(that I never thought I would write)

As a writer, I have always found comfort and solace in words, much like other family members find in music and art. Words have helped me make sense of the world and have given me a portal to express myself, whether I’m sharing my work with others or for my eyes only. I’ve opened my computer countless times these past two weeks, but words fail me. Instead, when I open my computer, I find myself going through photos of Emery. I linger on the ones of her as a little girl because the more recent memories of my girl as a woman, a wife, and a mother hurt my heart too much now. Funny stories came to mind, but I wondered if they would be appropriate for Emery’s celebration of life…a time of reverence, respect, and awe. Then I felt Emery’s nudge…and her telling me, “Celebration, Mom, focus on the celebration part and tell the stories.” And so I will.
My Flower Girl:
Like many children, Emery never wanted to go to bed, whether at night or during afternoon naps. When most children her age would be put down for naps in their cribs, Emery would try to persuade me to let her nap on the couch, “mostly to keep me company.” I caved more often than I should have because I loved having her curled up next to me on the couch, pretending to sleep while I pretended to read. One of my nighttime techniques to help her fall asleep was to sing to her. I am not a singer, by the way. I don’t remember how, when, or why, but the song “I Love the Flower Girl” by the Cowsills became my nightly lullaby. When she was old enough to sing along, it became our duet, with hairbrush microphones in hand. This hardly ensured Emery’s entrance into slumber, but it was fun, and we loved fun, so it became our routine and “our song.”
Emery grew up loving flowers, and at an age when most of her friends didn’t know the difference between a daffodil and a daisy, she could name every one of the perennials and shrubs in my very large garden… in Latin because that’s how I taught her. When she was in kindergarten, she started calling my garden “the garden of love.” She decided she wanted her kindergarten teacher, Miss Lindner, to get married there and began to make plans. She knew where Miss Lindner would enter the garden, under the rose trellis, of course, and where her husband-to-be would be waiting for her. She told me we would need to call the newspaper. I told her Miss Lindner needed a boyfriend. She dismissed my concerns and said we needed a photographer. “Could you be the photographer?” She asked. I told her I’d be honored. Miss Linder did not get married in our “garden of love,” but we did attend her wedding two years later. As we watched Miss Lindner walk down the aisle, we looked at each other, smiled, and nodded. Our thoughts were on the same thing… our garden of love. Truly, my flower girl.
Emery’s love of animals ran as deep as her love of plants. When she was in kindergarten, we adopted our beloved yellow lab, Marley. On our first visit to the vet, a female doctor came into the exam room, introduced herself, and told us she would be right back. Emery asked me why the veterinarian was a woman. She had opened the door to a conversation I loved having with her about how women can do the same jobs as men, but before I could finish my point, she interrupted me and said, “Oh, I know that, Mom. I was just wondering why Marley’s doctor wasn’t a dog because wouldn’t a dog understand our Marley better than a person? I started to explain to her that a dog wouldn’t be able to tell us what Marley needed but stopped because I wanted to savor how her brain processed life through the lens of love. Emery and I would be in that room together, curled up on a blanket next to Marley, 12 years later, when we had Marley euthanized. She asked me why it hurt so much. I told her because the deeper the love is, the more painful the goodbyes are. I told her this when her Gramps, my dad, passed in September. I’m telling myself this now.
Not long after that, she asked me when the world turned from black and white to color because there were pictures of me and her grandparents in my photo albums that were black and white, and the photos of her and her brothers were in color. “Was I there when it changed? Was it amazing to see everything turn to color after it had been black and white? she asked me. Another question I needed to savor first and explain later. Emery saturated the colors in life in the way she saw things, and in doing so, she changed the way I looked at life. As alike as we were, I had one trait that she told me she could never understand, and that was my love of a gray day, a sad movie, a melancholy song, or a long string of rainy days. Emery wanted the sun and the saturation of colors that came with it. Emery needed the sun.
There are no words that can carry the depth and weight of the emotions and love I will always carry for Emery. Nor should there be because feelings this deep cannot be defined by words but rather can only be felt in the depths of our souls. A part of my heart left with her because, as her Mama, I couldn’t let her go alone.
I want to end with words I wrote to Emery in November 2012 as I grappled with my emotions of letting her go to begin a life with Miles the following year.
“Sometimes I look at you, and you are four years old — with chubby arms and legs, wild hair that you refuse to let anyone but you comb, and you don’t, and a twirly skirt that you enjoy keeping airborne while revealing your mom’s lackadaisical dressing style because you have no underwear on.
You are not four years old, and I am not the mama of a four-year-old, yet somehow, in my teaching you how to fly, I forgot to teach myself how to let you go. I’m watching you fly while I desperately try to remember exactly when your feet left the ground because one day, I was carrying you, and in what seemed to be no longer than a restful pause, you were carrying yourself. When you were handed to me in the hospital, I felt like I was holding onto a big part of my heart. I still do. And just as you told me when you were little and what we still say to each other every day, I love you with my whole heart. Really, really, for my whole life.“
Soar through the skies, my beautiful Emery.